Privacy Notice

Data Protection Act 2018

The Coastal Together Federation are the Data Controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act.  We collect information from you, and may receive information about you from your previous school and the Learning Records Service[i].  We hold this personal data and use it to:

  • support its pupils teaching and learning;
  • monitor and report on their progress;
  • provide appropriate pastoral care, and
  • assess how well the school as a whole is doing.

This data includes your contact details, national curriculum assessment results, attendance information, any exclusion information, where they go after they leave us and personal characteristics such as ethnic group, special educational needs and any relevant medical information.  For pupils enrolling for post 14 qualifications we will be provided with your unique learner number (ULN) by the Learning Records Service and may also obtain from them details of any learning or qualifications you have undertaken.

We will not give information about our pupils to anyone without your consent unless the law and our policies allow us to do so. From time to time the school is required to pass on some of this data to local authorities, the Department for Education (DfE), and to agencies that are prescribed by law.  All these are data controllers in respect of the data they receive, and are subject to the same legal constraints in how they deal with the data.

Pupils, as data subjects, have certain rights under the Data Protection Act, including a general right to be given access to personal data held about them by any data controller.  The presumption is that by the age of 12 a child has sufficient maturity to understand their rights and to make an access request themselves if they wish.  A parent would normally be expected to make a request on a child's behalf if the child is younger.

If you wish to receive a copy of the information about your son/daughter that we hold, please contact Simon Wakeman (Executive Head Teacher) on 01263 720401

We encourage you to read the supplementary information on the websites listed below, which will explain the options available to you to opt out of some of the post 16 data, where there is no mandatory requirement for this data to be collected or shared.

If you require more information about how the LA and/or DfE store and use this data please go to the following websites:

Decisions on whether DfE releases this personal data to third parties are subject to a robust approval process and are based on a detailed assessment of who is requesting the data, the purpose for which it is required, the level and sensitivity of data requested and the arrangements in place to store and handle the data. To be granted access to pupil level data, requestors must comply with strict terms and conditions covering the confidentiality and handling of data, security arrangements and retention and use of the data.

For more information on how this sharing process works, please visit:

For information on which third party organisations (and for which project) pupil level data has been provided to, please visit:

If you need more information about how the DfE collect and use your information, please visit see below:

If you are unable to access these websites, please contact the LA or the DfE as follows:

    • Teresa Burdett,
      Records & File Access Manager,
      Children's Services,
      County Hall,
      Room 22,
      Martineau Lane,
      NR1 2DL
      Tel: 01603 223839


The Learning Records Service fits within the heart of the learner experience and is designed to support learners at all levels to access, manage and use their own achievement information - such as qualifications, awards or training received as they progress through education, training and lifelong learning.

The Learning Records Service, part of Information Management (IM) Services, provides shared services across the education sector. The Learning Records Service is built on the principle of collect once, use many times and used by all that are entitled to do so. It supports the whole of the education sector.

2 Attendance is not collected for pupils under 5 at early Years settings or maintained Schools as part of the census for the Department of Education.


Useful Links

For more information on how this sharing process works, please visit:

Directgov Education and Learning page

DfE - National Pupil Database How researchers, third-party organisations and individuals can apply for data extracts from the national pupil database.

DfE - National Pupil Database Information on third party organisations & projects where pupil level data has been has been provided.

DfE - Data Treatment Department for Education data treatment information: how data is collected & shared.

Norfolk County Council - Privacy Notice Information on how our Local Authority (LA), Norfolk County Council, collects & uses your information.

Information Commissioner's Office

Open Government Partnership

Government Website - Data Protection Act


Useful Documents

LA Data Treatment.pdf

Coastal Together

F e d e r a t i o n   o f  S c h o o l s

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