As well as it being assessment week for some of the year groups in Fox class, it has been another busy week of trips and days out. A small group of children represented the school at the Royal Norfolk Show on Wednesday as our Ambassadors. They chatted confidently to the public about our work that we produced after visiting the Alpaca Farm for the ‘On the Map Project’. It was a great success and there are some super pictures on Facebook. Our year five pupils headed off in the rain for their camp out at Mundesley Junior school yesterday and despite the rain all the activities went ahead as planned. Everyone had a very enjoyable time.
In English, Foxes started their narrative based on the ‘Rhythm of the Rain’ in which they further developed their use of figurative language to support description.
Foxes started their printing work this week based on their topic work. We look forward to sharing our finished prints with you later. Did we really manage to cram all this into one week?
Year 6 headed for the bowling alley to celebrate their end of year. We had a great time watching everyone’s techniques improve over the course of the games. The competitive sportsmanship shone through as everyone supported each other to improve their bowling. There were the odd strikes here and there and some surprising wins. By the time we left year 6 had tried the menu and consumed a range of drinks and ice creams. A good day had by all!
We said our final ‘goodbyes and and thank yous’ to Miss Mossop as we wished her every success as a newly qualified teacher. All the children and staff will miss her but we hope she will pop in and see us again soon.