
Applications for admission to Hedgehog Forest Preschool are made directly with the school office. Admissions to the main school for years R-6 are undertaken by Norfolk Local Authority. Applications for admission into Reception need to be made directly to Norfolk County Council. Further details and admission criteria can be found by clicking the following link:

If you wish your child to transfer to us in-year you will need to contact the Local Authority in the first instance. Further information and contact details can be found here:

Information on moving schools within the current school year.

Contact details for Norfolk Children Services Admissions are as follows:

Room 7
County Hall
Martineau Lane

Tel: 0344 800 8020
Fax: 01603 223722

How to appeal if my child is refused a place? 

If you are refused a place, you have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel. If it is for an in-year application you will need to notify the admissions team. You will then receive an appeal form for you to complete with the reasons for the appeal. Once the form is received an appeal hearing must be held within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals, or within 30 school days for an in-year admission application.

Click here for more information on this process.



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